Over 30 years of Naturopathic Experience

Every weekday morning, Dave Eide makes himself available for calls from clients. One call might be an excited update from a client working through digestive issues, another from a concerned mother whose child woke up sick and needs help.

For over 30 years, Dave Eide has worked full-time as a Traditional Naturopath. He founded The Natural Path to provide a natural, non-invasive approach to health care and make it available to those who are “sick of being sick.” The morning calls are a picture of his approach: personal, accessible, and compassionate.

Callie Eide joined The Natural Path when she married Dave in 2010. She brought an extensive background in natural health care, coaching, and mentoring. Throughout her career, Callie worked in personal injury and workers’ compensation and advocated for natural healthcare practitioners and patients alike.

Together, Dave and Callie provide a multi-faceted approach – one that is essential for anyone seeking natural health care. Natural health care approaches each person holistically – not as a “case” only, but as a person with physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual dimensions that require consideration and care.

Staying up-to-date with innovations and developments in natural health is a high priority for the team at The Natural Path. Dave and Callie have worldwide contacts in the field and continually work to learn and develop their skills.

In his 30+ years of experience, Dave has become the “naturopath to naturopaths.” He is an expert in Electrodermal Screening, and has accumulated a deep knowledge of anatomy, physiology, neurology, psychology, energy medicine, and applied kinesiology through working with his clients. He is a founding member of the Minnesota Natural Health Coalition.

Callie has studied under many teachers and innovators including DeePok Chopra, Masaru Emoto, Mark Victor Hansen, Tony Robbins, Rev. Michael Beckwith, and Mary Manin Morrissey. She is the president of the Minnesota Natural Health Legal Reform Project and co- founded the American Sustainable Energy Council to bring community wind partnerships to Minnesota. She is also a co-founder of the first satellite chapter of the Association of Global New Thought In Minnesota (MAGNT).

Together they are members of the Minnesota Holistic Medicine Group. They also worked with Dr. William Hobbins, MD, the founder of Digital Thermography, and were among the first to offer Digital Thermography in Minnesota. As a team, they have taught hundreds of students and practitioners a multitude of natural healing techniques and have helped them heal.